BEEP BEEP BEEP! Mondays.... I hate Mondays. You awake tired. Bone tired. Another week. You get up and shower, get dressed, grab some toast and head out the door to the office. You arrive in the building and go to the nearest lift. [[Enter lift -> lift]] You get off on floor 1. Wait... this isn't your floor. You look around. You are in some sort of hospital, or clincal company. White walls and bright fluorescent lighting sting your eyes. As your eyes adjust you hear the slight creaking of a metal trolley wheel as it's slowly pushed around. Looking left and right you don't see the source of the sound. The overall feeling of this place is clean, competant, and somewhat... disposable. [[ Investigate further ]] [[ go back in the lift -> lift]] You stop. no. not today you turn on you heel and leave [[ go back in the lift -> lift]] [[to the coffe shop!]]You look through the first window you come to along the hall. Inside rows and rows of plastic curtains hide the occupants, apart from one. An elderly woman lying under white cotten sheet...... looking closer you realise she's very sick, her skin looks aged, sores covering her face and you'd guess covering her body. She opens her eye's and stares right at you, you realise with disgust you've been just staing at her for more than a minute. You wave embarressed stopping when you relaise her eyes are unfocused. Her pupils arm't focused on you. If everyone behind each curtain is as sick as her... Your not sure if it's contagious but looks like the beginning of a pandemic. You hear footsteps echoing down the hall [[ Enter hospital Room ]] [[ Run down the corridor and try another door ]]Which Floor? [[ floor 1 ]] Double-click this passage to edit it."Excuse me can I help you?" A large security guard asks you. As you hesitate his eyes narrow. "Can I see some I.D. please?" [[Lie]] [[Tell the truth]]You quickly enter closing the door quietly behind you. It's so quiet in the room apart from occasional wheezing from the patients. You walk along between the beds hardly any movement coming from behind the curtains. Suddenly your very aware of how exposed you are, you grab a spare pair of scrubs and face mask from the wall which makes you feel better but you also realise depending on how contagious this disease is you could already be infected. You shake those thoughts away, it's no help now, maybe you should find someone and find out whats going on? as your thinking this one of the patients starts to cough and splutter violently from behind their curtain. A doctor or a nurse comes form behind a set fo swinging doors and runs behinh the curtain to the bed. As the doors swing close you hear strange noises from behind them. " I could use some help over here! " the medic cries and you realise he is talking to you. [[ Go behind curtain]] [[ Go through double doors]]" Hand me that scalpel. Hold these swabs. We need to relieve the pressure on her lungs." He cuts the patients open and inserts a long plastic tube. "hold pressure around the wound" The patient coughs and gurgles as the tube goes in. Suddenly she relaxes and starts slow, wheezing breaths through tube. " thanks" the medic wipes his brow " I've not seen you around before are you new? you did a good job, there. " He leaves the room "I'll be right back". You pause, taking a moment calm down. The patient suddenly violently spasms. Machines around her start beeping and then sudden constant beep. "shit" [[ grab the defibulator]] [[ call out for help]]You quickly dash through the double doors before the magnetic security lock re-engage. There is a high pitched screetching coming from... somewhere. All around the walls are cages, filled with different animals. All of them are cowering against the backs of their cages. Looking around you can't find the source of the sound. chimpanzee's, rat, bats, birds so many animals it makes you feel sick thinking of their poor miserable lives.. then suddenly you see it an isolate cage of rats, all of them biting thier cage, screetching, clawing at everything around them. looking like their trying to push through the bars to the other animals. Something about them is unsettling. here single minded determination, the festering wounds, the dripping saliva. suddenly the double doors burst open " Hey! i said I need help in here.... wait a minute who are you what are you doing here!" [[ "I'm cover, been sent here last minute"]] [[ "What i'm doing here!? What are you doing here what is this place!?"]]"Security!" The medic lunges at you and you twist out the way. "Whoa calm down I just...." He shoves his right knee into your stomach and as you double over your hand goes to the wall to steady yourself accidently hitting the button deactvating the door on the rat cage. They immediatly scrabble out and zero in on both you and the medic... [[Warn medic]] [[attempt to stamp the ones heading for you]]"Well i said I need help in there so come on" He drags you out behind the curtain " Hand me that scalpel. Hold these swabs. We need to relieve the pressure on her lungs." He cuts the patients open and inserts a long plastic tube. "hold pressure around the wound" The patient coughs and gurgles as the tube goes in. Suddenly she relaxes and starts slow, wheezing breaths through tube. " thanks" the medic wipes his brow " you did a good job, there. " He leaves the room "I'll be right back". You pause, taking a moment calm down. The patient suddenly violently spasms. Machines around her start beeping and then sudden constant beep. "shit" [[ grab the defibulator]] [[ call out for help]]"Watch out!" You shout He turns catching the rats under his shoes. "ooww" you feel a pain in your foot and look down at your feet. Two rats are biting and clawing at your left foot, you kick them away and then crush them underfoot. "did you get bitten?" the medic asks concerned [["Yes"]] [["No"]]You stamp the rats scurring towards you, their spines crunching easily underfoot. "0ww" you look up and see that the medic is swatting at his leg. "ahh one of them bit me". he pulls it off and puts it back in the cage. "Your in deep shit for this" as he says this two uniformed security guards enter the room. "please escort this... trespasser to one of the 'interview' rooms" [[go to the interview room]] [[resist]] You start throwing cages and objects from the room at the approaching guards, then suddenly a nip at your heels "oww" You look down and two of the rats are clawing at your leg in a frenzy. You pick them up and throw them at the guards too who flee in the opposite direction ealing oyu in the room. You realise some of the other cages are open and the remaining rats are biting the other animals who are collapsing frighteningly quick. you feel dizzy and fall to the floor, your vision swimming and when your eyes re-focus you see some of the collapsed animals slowly getting up, frothing at the mouth. They see you and in moments are on your prone form biting and tearing. As you eyes lose focus you see an orangutan's blood covered mouth feasting on a finger...... YOU ARE DEAD [[Restart ->Alarm clock.....]]The guards push you into the interview room and shove you down into the chair before attaching your hands to a solid metal ring in the centre of the table. "Wait here" ... (as if your going anywhere) "What were you doing here?" one of the guards demands. [[ Tell the truth - you were lost]] [[ Lie - I'm from head office]]"Sorry I got off at the wrong floor" you say, and I kept looking around, curiosity got the better of me. " this is a restricted area. Are you with a paper? Purity inc?" "I work downstairs, please I don't want to get in trouble, I'm sorry I caused any, I'm sorry some of the animals got free and the medic got bitten" The two security officers look at each other and nod before one of them steps outside and leans down towards his radio. His partner sighs and becomes a littleless hostile. "because of the nature of what were are doing here you will now need to be quaranteed for 24 hours. Can I contact anyone for you." ALthough you aren't happy about it you are relieved to relise this could be all you have to suffer. You supply your bosses contact details. before you are led to a comortable room, what looks like a hotel room rather than a hospital room. [[sleep]]"You expect me to believe that" he roots through yourpockets He calls another guard in and hand it over. "We'll check you out" so don't think that lie is going to hold up. He leaves the room. Why didn't I just go back down? you ask youself. The guard comes back in 10minutes later. "Well looks like someones putting his nose where he shouldn't" "tell Dr Quinn we have another test subject" suddenly a bag goes over your face and you feel a needle in your arm and you lose conciousness. [[Wake up]]Double-click this passage to edit it.You reach into your pocket " Sorry it's just..." You start to pat down your pockets. "where is the damn thing...." You look up and the guard eyes you skeptically. "Sir which department are you with i'll radio through for you" [[ "I'm with infectious diseases" ]] [[ "I'm new... ]]" Sorry I got off at the wrong floor " You explain. His pauses for a minute weighing up your response. " I'm going to have to escort you back to the Lift this is a restricted area " He walks with you back to the lift doors. He remains there silently waiting for you to pick your floor and leave. [[ leave ]]"Infectious diseases... I thought the inspection wasn't until Thursday?" "we'll all I know is i've been sent today" You say He relents " I'll escort you to the director" [[The director's office]]" Well who is your contact name? " you can see the guard losing patience. As you struggle to think of a plausable, generic name the guard radio's reception very quietly his face impassive. "I think you had better come with me" He puts a hand on your shoulder and takes you down the hall to a nearby interview room. [[Interview Room]]The guard motions you into the interview room and gestures to the chair before "Wait here" ... (as if your going anywhere) He comes back in "What were you doing here?" the guard demands. [[ Tell the truth - you were lost ]] [[ Lie - I'm from head office ]]"Sorry I got off at the wrong floor" you say, and I kept looking around, curiosity got the better of me. " this is a restricted area. Are you with a paper? Purity inc?" "I work downstairs, please I don't want to get in trouble, I'm sorry if I caused any" He sighs and becomes a little less hostile. "because of the nature of what we are doing here you will now need to be quaranteed for 24 hours. Can I contact anyone for you." ALthough you aren't happy about it you are relieved to relise this could be all you have to suffer. You supply your bosses contact details. before you are led to a comortable room, what looks more like a hotel room rather than a hospital room. [[sleep ]]"You expect me to believe that" he holds out his hand "wallet" you hesitate. "NOW" he bangs his fist on the table hard. you hand over your wallet. He calls another guard in and hand it over. "We'll check you out" so don't think that lies is going to hold up. He leaves the room. Why didn't I just go back down? you ask youself. The guard comes back in 10minutes later. "Well 'Dr White'"he says sarcastically. The police are on their way, I hope you have got a good lawyer. Double-click this passage to edit it.You reach for the defibulator. You switch it on and it charges up telling you to shock the patient. As you shock the patient her heart rate returns. She suddenly projectile vomits over your. You rub your eyes and start spitting The Medic calls from the other room back in "what's happening" "She was in a bit of trouble but she's fine now" You shout between spits "Good job man. hell of a first day you're having, want to come with me to the break room get something to drink?" [["sure"]] [["no thanks."]]"Help! help!" you shout The medic rushes back in "What are you waiting for? Charge the defibulator." He leans in checking her breathing. Suddenly she gasps and forcefully vomits all over the medic. "arghhhhhh" he takes a step back rubbing his eyes, spitting. "Jesus". The defibulator beeps "clear, stand back" the patient gasps again and suddenly the monitor beeps, the patient heart rate returns. The medic spits again. "ugghh" i need to go clean up. He says as he heads out of the room. [[Follow medic ]] [[ Leave and head down the corridor]]You follow him into the break room which is clean but basic. The medic has his back to you making some coffee "yeh I know considering the money pumped into this division you'd have though we'd have slightly better facilities" he sighs. "you did good in there, thought on your feet, the last guy flapped and just screamed for help. Has anyone really told you what we do here?" "No" you answer. "We're working on a cure to a horrible virus, it was discovered in the Amazon along with a new tribe, from what I hear" he smiles again "slowly drains the energy of the organisms who are infected until they waste away, and it fairly contagious, but don't worry as long as there is no fluid transfer were safe" he says reassuringly. "the crazy thing about this is that in a small percentage of cases it sends people or animals beserk biting themselves and each other and clawing at anything and everything" He shakes his head. He turns looking at you for the first time. He turns pale. " Hey man just wait a minute. " He speak quietly into a microphone. Within a minute a guard comes in. "Sir please come with us" You look questioningly at the medic but he looks away. "Sir please come with me, because of the nature of what you cam einto contact with will need to be quaranteed for 24 hours." ALthough you aren't happy about it you relise you don't have a choice. "Can I contact someone?" You ask. "soon" he says uncertainly before you are led to a comortable room, that looks more like a hotel room rather than a hospital room. [[sleep ]] "yeah no worries man, take a minute." the medic shouts from the other room You back out. You've got to get of this horrble place. [[leave]]You follow him into a sterile room, The medic is over at the emergency eye wash station frantically cleaning. " are you ok? " He carries on frantically cleaning and spitting, washing out his mouth. Cursing in between washes. He suddenly turns around his eye's wide. "Shit, What if I've become infected? this is bad! Call one of the doctors!.... no wait. I'l be fine, it was only a little bit... but that's all it takes.." he carries on mumbling to himself a little crazed. [[ talk to him ]] [[Back out of the room]]"Excuse me can I help you?" A large security guard asks you. As you hesitate he looks at your scrubs and stains and softens. "busy day?" [["Something like that"]] [[say nothing]]He holds out his hand " I've not seen you around, I'm Frank" You shake his hand and its like shaking a brick but his smile is wide and friendly "nice to meed you frank" you say. "Want me to help show you around?" [[Thanks]] [[No Thanks]]"you alright?"he asks as you say nothing and he looks in your eyes. " Can i see some I.D." his voice hardens [[look for I.D. -->Lie]] [[Run]] As you turn to flee you feel an explosion in your back as he barrels into you and you crash to the ground. "your going nowhere" He grabs your arm in a vicelike grip and drags to down the hall to another room The guards pushs you into the interview and shoves you down into the chair before attaching your hands to a solid metal ring in the centre of the table. "Wait here" ... (as if your going anywhere) "What were you doing here?" one of the guards demands. [[ Tell the truth - you were lost2 ->Tell the truth - you were lost]] [[ Lie - I'm from head office]] "Sorry I got off at the wrong floor" you say, and I kept looking around, curiosity got the better of me. " this is a restricted area. who do you work for?" "I work downstairs, please I don't want to get in trouble, I'm sorry if I caused any" His eyes become smaller and more hostile. "Your going nowhere untill your tell me the truth. Because of the work we do here your going to need to be quarantined for 48 hours" before you can protest he motions to a guard to take you away. His hand like a vice on your am you decide it's best to say nothing. You are led to a small, bare room, that looks more like a cell rather than a hospital room. [[ sleep ]]Frank walks next to you whilst you go through the complex. " I'm just a security guard but the work I see going on around here is.. something else, and from talking to some of the other guards its the same in other departments. Your department - bioengineering is working on some brilliant things from what the other technicians and biologists say." You pass similar hospital rooms to the one youe saw, operating theaters. One of the rooms has children playing and laughing. " Ah these are the creme de la creme of the department, these kids would have otherwise died at the hand of genetic diseases, or have been struck down by deadly viruses but due to work here they have been saved. " he cracks a smile [[stay and watch]] [[move on]]"Thanks for the offer but I better get to my supervisor" You walk off, the guard shrugs his shoulders and carries on. You get disorientated in the maze of white corridors and flourescent lighting. Eventually finding the exit. [[go home ]]He turns from concerned to fearful "because of the nature of what were are doing here you will now need to be quaranteed for 24 hours." ALthough you aren't happy about it you relise you don't have a choice. "Can I contact someone?" You ask. "soon" he says uncertainly before you are led to a comortable room, that looks more like a hotel room rather than a hospital room. Your foot throbs as you lie down [[sleep ]]He looks at the dead rats. "these were vauluable specimens" he looks back at you and softens. " look thanks for the warning, just leave I'll deal with security. Now get out of here i'm already changing my mind" [[leave]]Double-click this passage to edit it.It's not late but your drained. You head home feeling shattered.You stay watching the children play and laugh. It warms you to think that there is good in the world. You see a little girl suddenly stop and demand a toy of a small boy. You see the fear in the little boys eyes as he instantly hands over the toy. Somethings not quite right. As you watch she concentrates on the little doll. staring intently at it, the boy cowers away in fear and the girl giggles and then goes back to playing. No one takes notice of the cowering boy in the corner. You turn to Frank "did you that?" "see what" he smiles benignly at you. You turn back and the little boy has rejoined the group. "Nothing" you comment. Maybe just kids being kids... Frank knock on the opposite window and a woman opens the door. "Dr Grant, this is one of the newbies, i'm giving them the tour. Been showing them your survivours." she turns to you. "wonderful aren't they" she smiles "helps remind me why i do what I do" suddenly a beeping goes off in her lab. " Ah good timing you can help me out now." looking at Frank "never hurts to throw them in at the deep end" [[Follow Dr Grant]]Frank takes you down a couple of flights of stairs and through a set of security doors. "Down here is the engineering crew. Whilst work goes on up there to save people form horrible diseases. Some of the guys here are helping people who are already damaged." Frank says. Through a window You watch a man using an artifical arm to delicatly hold a wine glass. A doctor watches giving advice. The patient puts down the glass and then pick up a brick and crushes it into dust "The amount the precision and control these things can offer is amazing." "what the...." "I know. Originally it started off trying to help amputees with missing limbs but it's gone beyond that. Their now working to improve what we already have." You watch another uniformed man calibrating an artifical eye. He then pulls out a pistol and then shoots a target across the room in the heat and then head with every bullet. [[Talk to Doctor]] [[talk to uniformed man]]He knock on the door. No one answers " please take a seat " the security guard asks kindly He speaks quiety into his radio. "She'll be with you shortly..." suddenly his radio squeals in alarm. "I'm sorry but I have to go" he heads of down one of the identical corridors leaving you alone. You wonder what you've got your self into. Tapping your foot as the seconds drag into minutes. After 10 minutes you wonder if the director's going to appear. You look and notice the door to her office is ajar... [[ wait ]] [[ Have a look inside ]]"Hey calm down it's going to be alright." Your words seem to break him out of his relentless babbling he looks at you and then snarls, "Why did this happen to me why not you." he starts pacing toward you. "Is everything ok here john?" a security guard appears The medic stops and his angry faced quickly becomes scared " It's fine Frank, no problems" "I heard you shouting. Was there an incident?" he looks at you as he says this [["John has been contaminated"]] [["It's fine"]] You back out of the room leaving the medic talking to himself and decontaminating himself. Hearing echoing voices you find the lift and leave. Its been a crazy day time to go home. [[go home]]Double-click this passage to edit it.The security guard murmurs into his walkie talkie "Frank, it's fine just a little bit of vomit" John says " don't make this out to be a big deal." "You know the rules John. Come with me and well get it sorted out" John looks pleadingly at Frank but is met with a stony gaze "please......" Another guard arrives and puts a firm hand on john's shoulder and guides him out of the room. You are left alone wondering what just happened but realise now is your best chance to go home. [[ Leave]] Frank looks between you "ok... as long as everyone's alright" He steps back outside. You can here his footsteps disappearing down the hall. You look back over at John. "you alright?" you ask. His face is white as a sheet and he looks terrified. "look man I've just got to get out of here, just for a breather" as he steps away from the cleaning station he loses his balance. "I'm ok, just a bit dizzy" you put his arm over your shoulder and help him down the hallway until you find a fire exit and open it up. You put him down in one of the plastic chairs used by employees for smoking breaks. "John are you really alright?" you ask. " yeah just need a moment." He shuts his eyes. After a minute or so he's asleep in the chair. [[go home ]] [[Wake him up]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You wait for another 5 minutes before a tall brunette strides towards you and holds her hand out. "I'm Dr McCarren nice to meet you..." "Dr.... White" you know its stupid but it's the only thing you can think of. " We'll your earlier than we were expecting but not a problem " she smiles " Did Frank offer you anything to drink? " you shake your head " please would you like to come into my office. I'm sure I can rusel up a tea or coffee" [[follow into office]]You look inside the office. IT looks very... ordinary, your not sure what you expected to see. IT's very neat and tidy. So precise it look practically unused except for the coffee and tea set in the corner. There are lots of book on bioengineering and stem cell research lining the back of the wall and whilst you have think they are more for show than anything it is another clue to figure out what actually is going on her. You look on the desk and there is a single piece of paper on desk from infectious control department. The header address is local only about an hour car journey away. You've been in a while and sneak back out taking a seat outside and shutting the door. [[ wait ]]As Dr McCarren goes over to a small kettle and coffee maker in the corner you take a closer look. Shes not your average doctor, her suit isn't just smart but designer and she has a figure that pulls it off... "... estions? " You realise she has been talking but you hve no idea what she has been saying. You stare blankly at her for a moment and she burst out laughing. "ha ha sorry here I am chatting your head off when you must have be at the end of a vey long day, probably flew in this morning right?" As she sits behind her desk and hands you a coffee you get a chance to look at her more closely and realise she is actually quite attractive. She has large brown eyes, wide genuine smile and an infectious laugh. [[ smiling "yeah something like that" ]] [[ Tell me about the work you do here? ]]"how was the flight?" she asks kindly [["Comfortable"->flight]] [["long and tiring"->flight]] "oh really" she says with a glint in her eye. "Let me get Frank to take you on a tour , doctor" "your not coming?" you ask "No sorry, doctor, you see I don't have time to waste with fraudsters" Her smile immediately dissappears. A large heavy hand falls on your shoulder gripping it painfully. "come right this way" a deep voice growls. [[Interview Room]]"I'm afraid I can't with most of it. The legal team has a whole host of reasons why I can't but don't worry our infecious controls are superb. We have decontamination rooms, our own in house controls manager who keeps up to date with the latest protocols and procedures. "I'll take you down" She walks you out of the office and you head for the elevators. She slips a special key into bottom of the panel and presses another floor. The elevator descends.... Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You follow Dr Grant. " Your probably wondering what that beeping was for. It's easier if I show you." Dr Grant says. You look through a window and see the little girl from earlier. She is having a tantrum. She is crying out, wailing. You notice some building block and a teddy bear appear to be floating aorund her! " we have not only helped these children overcome degenerative disease's we have managed to improve them." You notice a gleam to the doctor's eye as she says this. "but don't worry we have contingency plans for when this happens. She activates a small device in front of her. The girl immediatly spasms and drops to the floor shaking. "Don't worry she'll be fine " Dr Grant smiles. [["I'm glad you have this under control"]] [["Are these kids trapped here?"]]